We have renewed our website in order to serve you better and you to get more detailed information about our products. We wish you happy surfing.
Zafer Ticaret will take place in FoodExpo'19 Russia expedition which will be held between 21-24 February 2019. We will be pleased to welcome you, our esteemed solution partners, to our booth.
Zafer Ticaret continues its full production activities by providing technological infrastructure development in all its production and packaging facilities.
Zafer Gıda - Silifke Facility & Lands
Zafer Gıda - Konya Facility & Lands
Zafer Gıda - Hatay Dörtyol Facility & Lands
Zafer Gıda - Selçuk Facility
Production Catalogue
Zafer Gıda Logo (.pdf)
Ermey Logo (.pdf)
Meysaş Logo (.pdf)